Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Chieftains Mk 10 and Mk 11

...the dual 1/72 kit from Takom
Chieftains Mk 10 and 11, a 1/72 dual kit from Takom
This followed their earlier release of their 1/35 versions of the Chieftain, but then this double kit in 1/72. with plenty of colour and marking options.
Lovely detail, and of course the later variant than the old Airfix 1/76 scale kit. There is lots of detail in these, plus they have link and length track, plus a template to build them on before fitting to the roadwheels on the hull itself. To be honest though, I found the fit of these to be a bit of a so and so but persevered. The track guards hide some minor sins! The track guards are etch brass, along with plenty more detail on the models. The multi-part stowage bins, with etch lining parts are a bit fiddly, but do look good once they are done.
Once built, give a coat of primer and then paint you chosen scheme. I went for the Mk II, with the TOGS thermal gunsight in the classic black/green camouflage, while the Mk 10 is in the green/sand colours of the training grounds in Canada. The Mk 11 had a coat of brown wash (Vallejo) while the Mk 10 had a tan filter (Ammo brand) applied before the transfers were applied. I used one of my generic bases just for photographic purposes.