Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
The Siegfried Line Then & Now
...from After the Battle Publications, part of Pen & Sword

Title: The Siegfried Line Then & Now
Editor: Daniel Taylor
Publisher: After the Battle
ISBN: 978-1-39904-48538
Another marvellous addition to the 'Then and Now' series of books from After the Battle, a series now part of the Pen & Sword group. This is a new 312-page hard-cover book, and another edited by Daniel Taylor.
The book is split across 3 main sections, each of which has a number of sub-divisions. At the heart of it are 3 separate features that were originally written and featured in After the Battle Magazine. These are 'The Battle for Aachen' by Winston Ramsey, along with 'The Battle of the Hurtgen Forest' and 'The Siegfried Line', both by Karel Margry. In addition to these original texts, along with photos and additional material from the After the Battle archive, these form the heart of the book. All the extras add to the detail which have been edited together to create this brand new book. Part I covers The Wall in the West, which includes not only the history of the design and building programmes, but also has plenty of diagrams of field fortifications (earthworks which will have little left of them to find today, along with details and plans of the many standard styles for the concrete bunkers that were built throughout the length of the defence line. Part 2 has the combat story of the Siegfried Line, from the first Allied forces entering the Hurtgen Forest, then the attack around Aachen, before returning to the Hurtgen Forest. All this section is very much in the Then and Now style, with lots of archive photos, alongside more modern comparisons. This leaves Part 3 with a number of Battlefield Guides, showing some tours which you can make now in different parts of the line. Again, plenty of comparison photos so it would be ideal to have in the car if you are thinking about a trip to see what remains you can find on the battlefield today. Much of the defences have been cleared since the war, but what remains has more recently been understood to be a useful draw for tourists who want to visit the ground of the famous Siegfried Line.
There is lots of detail in here, with the photos including some traditional views of the lines of concrete Dragon's Teeth, and of course some Allied Troops hanging out their washing! The traditional Then and Now photo comparisons which were really pioneered by After the Battle publications make it another super book to add to the other titles in their catalogue. I have long wanted to see something of the line for myself, and this book will certainly be in the car with me when I finally get to go. The modeller in me also likes the plans and detail of both the concrete bunker layouts, armoured cupolas, and the less permanent fieldworks. No hesitation in recommending this one.
Thanks to Pen & Sword for the review copy.