Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Russia's Wars in Chechnya 1994-2009
...from Osprey

Title: Russia's Wars in Chechnya 1994-2009
Author: Mark Galeotti
Publisher: Osprey
ISBN: 978-1-4728-5822-1
A 144-page soft-cover book in the Essential Histories series from Osprey.
Starting with some historical background, this tells us the story of the 2 wars in Chechnya. In the first, between 1994-1996, Russia was unsuccessful against their smaller neighbour. They hadn't expected to have to give in to pretty much all the demands of the rebels, and allow Chechnya to have the independence it wanted. Only in 1999, under the new leadership of Vladimir Putin, Russia started all over again, this time with greater numbers of troops, new equipment and new tactics. The second war ended in 2009. Religious and ethnic issues, mixed up with local warlords, crime families, politics, assassinations and power struggles all combine to make this an interesting but complex story. Chechnya today is technically independent, but is reliant on support from the Kremlin and Russian finance backing a regime that controls the country, but at a cost of providing fighters in support of Russia, both in Georgia and most recently Ukraine since the end of their own war in 2009.
I learnt a lot from this little book, which in itself is a new edition from the earlier version, with some revised text and a number of additional images which illustrate the story throughout the book. The complexities of the story reminded me rather of a spy novel in some ways, but still a good read. Good value I think.
Thanks to Osprey for the review copy.