Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Douglas DC-3
...FlightCraft 21, from Pen & Sword

Title: Douglas DC-3
Author: Robert Jackson
Publisher: Pen & Sword
ISBN: 978-1-52675-998-6
Another famous aircraft is number 21 FlightCraft series, the Douglas DC-3, the Dakota. This one is slightly different from usual in that while most of us know the Dakota as a military aircraft of WW2, this new one focuses very much on the other huge career of the DC-3, that of a civilian airliner. It is all held in an 84-page soft-cover book, excellent for aviation historians and modellers alike.
The first half of the book concentrates on the long life of both the DC-2 and the DC-3, the development story and the variety of users of this early airliner in the years leading up to WW2. This includes the wartime service of a number of civilian operators before getting to the Post-WW2 period, when so many surplus military examples were readily available and helped many start-up airlines and cargo carriers. There is a listing of the variants, along with the variety of competing contemporary designs. There is even a section relating a DC-3 Pilot's Story of flying them.
That leads on into a section of 8-pages of some very colourful profiles, only a couple of which show any military camouflage though along with civilian markings. Then the final part of the book is filled with Modelling the DC-3 and a Model Showcase. This details and assesses a great variety of models in an equally varied set of scales. From the old original 1./72 Airfix Dakota as well as their new one, as well as 1/144 and 1/48 models, all very neatly finished and accompanied by plenty of modelling tips.
Another excellent addition to the FlightCraft series of books from author Robert Jackson.
Thanks to Pen & Sword for our review copy.