Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Boeing B-52
... FlightCraft 31, from Pen & Sword

Title: Boeing B-52
Author: Ben Skipper
Publisher: Pen & Sword
ISBN: 978-1-39908-003-3
This is number 31 in the FlightCraft series from Pen & Sword, and it completes a trilogy of books in the series about famous Boeing bombers from author Ben Skipper. A 96-page soft-cover book with the aircraft modeller in mind.
The first 53 pages are filled with the story of the B-52, from the early work in the late 1940s, through the Design and Development process, the different production variants, from the tandem cockpit prototypes and on through the conventional side by side cockpit seating that we know best. This also includes a wide selection of the many upgrade projects that have applied to the BUFF over the many years of service. This is followed by a section on the B-52 In Service & In Action. From the early missions when there was always a nuclear armed aircraft in the air, in case of a Soviet attack, though this was stopped once missile development had established that delivery system. Then with conventional armament, it's part in the Vietnam and Gulf wars and through to today. Special variants rounds things off, with its' use in a wide mix of projects, including being a mothership for launching things like the X-15 and other lifting bodies. The next 8 pages cover camouflage and markings, with a series of fine colour profiles, illustrating the variety of colour schemes worn by this aircraft over many years of service, a career that is destined to see it become the first military aircraft to have a service life of over 100years! That leaves the final third of the book to feature the various models n the market, along with upgrade and conversion parts that are also available. This is completed with 3 superb builds, a Dragon 1/200 NB-52A with X-15, a camouflaged Italeri 1/72 B-52G and another Italeri B-\52G, carrying ALCM missiles and a number of upgrades to the basic model.
Just to pick one item to mention about the B-52 was that it was designed to carry a weapons load of 19,000lbs, but today it can carry 70,000lbs. The book is well illustrated throughout, with plenty of pictures with loads of detail of the real thing, covering a long career, and equally a series of high quality photos of the 3 featured model builds. Bearing in mind the great story of the B-52 over so many years, I think Ben, along with publishers Pen & Sword, have done a first class job of fitting it all into the confines of the format for this FlightCraft series. For me, it makes a really good addition to this mini-series of the famous Boeing bombers (B-17, B-29 and now B-52). Fans of the BUFF, and modellers in particular, will like this I think.
Thanks to Pen & Sword for the review copy.