Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Armoured Vehicles in Europe 1943-45
...Painting Wargaming Models, from Pen & Sword

Title: Armoured Vehicles in Europe 1943-45
Author: Andy Singleton
Publisher: Pen & Sword
ISBN: 978-1-39905-176-7
The latest in the series of books on painting wargames models from author Andy Singleton, and this time turning to vehicles rather than figures which he has covered in earlier volumes. A 152-page soft-cover book.
In this one, the subject is spread across 10 chapters, starting with a useful section on Getting Started, which takes a look at tools, paints and techniques that will help the beginner. Then it moves into a series of chapters dealing with British, US, Russian and German vehicles. The thing I particularly like about the way Andy has done this is that each section includes details for using both brush and airbrush finishes. The paints used are clearly noted, as are things like the brush sizes used in each example. They include vehicles in both single colour schemes as well as others with multi-colour camouflage schemes. The chapters then move on to deal with Transfers, Stowage, Weathering, Foliage as camouflage and finally Winter camouflage. All include helpful detail of just how he goes about doing all these different effects throughout.
For the beginner this is excellent, and, speaking as a modeller of many years, there are plenty of useful tips in here even for the experienced modeller, showing how you might get different effects and finishes, with plenty of helpful tips and ideas. As a stand alone book this is very good, though when you combine it with his other titles, on painting figures from various eras, it is a really useful series in my view, whatever your modelling experience.
Thanks to Pen & Sword for the review copy.